
Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Burns, postoperative wounds, caesar, injury accident

To overcome the burns needed materials that contain lots of collagen. Indeed we have a compound skin collagen. The compound was formed from a network of elastin fibers and collagen fibers. Both shoulder to shoulder, filling one another, and make hard and fast upper crust. In addition, collagen is also stuffed the skin surface is uneven, including skin wrinkles and acne scars.
Efficacy of sea cucumber extract to overcome burns very famous in Malaysia. Dr Yakob Hasaan from the University of Malaya prove it. His grandmother had surgery leparaktomi aka taking belly skin in the middle. Blood continues to flow i dar incision and the wound is spreading. Having drank the water of sea cucumbers for a week, 15 cm long wound was dry and sore is gone

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